My name is Mike LePore. I learned to play Go in 1999 and have met many great people as a result. I currently live in Arlington, Virginia but have lived and played Go in Rochester, New York, New York City, and Tacoma, Washington.
Go server handles:
Dragon - sergeant
KGS - lepore
My views of how Go should be studied: 1) Basic mechanics are important. Don't listen to people who tell you not to study josekis. 2) Don't think about one style as being better than another. You can win by playing thin, thick, for territory, or for influence. You just need to make sure your moves within a particular game are consistent with each other. In short, try different styles and play what makes you happy. 3) Double digit kyu players need to better recognize what weak groups are. 4) Single digit kyu players need to better recognize what important groups are. Also need to get better at helping yourself without helping your opponent in the process.
Sounds easy enough, right? :-)
April 21st 2005 Jared Hey who did you play in Rochester. I went to school at RIT and played at Empty Sky Go Club
Hi Jared, I played there in 1999 and 2000, mostly at Dave Weimer's house when the Empty Sky club meet there each Sunday night.