Crane's Nest Tesuji
The crane's nest tesuji is a classic tesuji used to capture fleeing stones.
Black has just played , with the intention of connecting his three stones on the left with . How can White capture those stones?
White captures the stones with the crane's nest tesuji. ( at )
In Poland we call this tesuji kraszek (in English you could say crashek) after Janusz Kraszek.
--Marcin Kaminski
unkx80: You want problems? You have problems!
Velobici: Problems, I got. More go problems, I appreciate ;)
blacklabel: black is dead. is tesuji. if black tries to escape at , white answers at . useless since is snapback ( at b). if white plays 1 at 2 black can escape at 1 and whites cut at a would be atari after black plays b
blacklabel: black is dead. white plays , tries to escape, and cuts. useless, since creates snapback( at b). note white has to attack from above. otherwise cutting stone (which would be at a is atari after black b and black can escape.
so 1 really is tesuji here, every other play lets black escape killing the 4 whites on the side and leaving the rest crumbled
See also: