On the PJQ scale how does this position rate.
How does White stand?
What should his plan be?
Since the group including the circled stones had three options
a,b,c, I felt that it was not necessary to defend it yet.
In the game I played 1 but my feeling is that it is a bit premature.
Other serious options I see are d,e, f.
unkx80: This may be tangential to your question, but my very first reaction is, why not cut? Because white is so tight in liberties, a subsequent move at a captures the stones in a crane's nest. Depending on the circumstances, Black may choose to sacrifice the three stones and opt to capture the lone White stone. I'll score this position +3 for black.
Therefore, if black plays , I am sure will defend the cut. Now White is very thick on the right side, so effectively the stones get completely controlled, and white has a lot of potential in the center. At the same time, Black is low on the right side. I might score this position -5.
here seems premature to me. Black may decide to play a shobute with and . It is very difficult to evaluate this position as it is, but if black can get sente to return to the corner at a, then I think the position would be at least playable for black.
Karl Knechtel: Isn't the circled point awfully big? With it, White solves local tactical problems and prepares to attack the corner; Black splits off the stones, and limits the middle group.