Trick Play

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Chinese: 骗着 / 騙著 (piàn zhāo); 欺着 / 欺著 (qī zhāo)
Japanese: ハメ手(hamete);だまし手 (damashite)
Korean: 꼼수

A trick play, or attempted swindle, attempts to entice the opponent into playing an "obvious" response which yields a poor result for her. If answered correctly, the result will typically be worse for the instigator of the trick than if he had played correctly. Trick plays are often characterised by unnatural plays: filling liberties or creating cutting points.


A special case: 'Hamete'

Although hamete is a trick play, only few trick plays are hamete.

The distinction is in the skill level. If the incorrect play requires skill to refute then it is hamete, otherwise it isn't.

Trick Play last edited by xela on July 24, 2024 - 15:27
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