Trick play example 8
From the dango page
16 stones in actual play ...
Problem diagram [0]: How could this happen? (cf. dia. [99] or [5])
Let's have a look at some logical sequences.
(Logic has little to do with real truth or reality)
dia. [1]: Tderz: This Dango could appear if Black plays too submissive and small-point-focussed several times.
At the same time,
White is playing trying to achieve the Dango in actual play.
is overdoing things? If
at a, Wb can connect or capture in a ladder.
If at c, White can live.
dia. [3]: and
want to prevent the white connection underneath,
which is ok in itself.
Black could vary with , but
is a nice tesuji.
dia. [3a]: is a nice tesuji too,
preventing momentarily the connection underneath
(cf. with dia. [10]).
dia. [3d]: are able to live now - Wa with weak ko b for Black
- who must avoid white c by black d (allows Wf or Be (allows Wd).
OK, the latter is not so interesting,
but if Black was able to play all this, s/he wouldn't need handicap ....
Just found by chance in "Breakthrough to Shodan", page 9, dia. 4 another variation how to produce this Dango: