Yasuda Yasutoshi

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Yasuda Yasutoshi (安田 泰敏, born 1964 in Nakama, Fukuoka Prefecture - died 2nd May 2018) was a professional Go player.

Yasuda was a student of Oeda Yusuke (9-dan). Yasuda reached professional 1-dan in 1985 and 9-dan in 1998.

Yasuda is the pro who has popularized the use of Capture Go for introducing children to the game and as a therapeutic activity in institutions for the elderly and the mentally handicapped.

From the opening blurb in Go as Communication:

Born in Nakama, Fukuoka prefecture in 1964, Yasuda studied under Mr. Yusuke Oeda, a nine dan professional Go player, and succeeded in his aim of becoming a professional in 1985. He won the four dan section of the Kisei tournament in 1985. He was promoted to nine dan, the highest rank of professional players, in 1998.

Yasuda's name is romanized in the English-language version of Go as Communication as "Yasutoshi Yasuda" (the Western order, given name and then family name).

Books by Yasuda Yasutoshi

Yasuda Yasutoshi last edited by hnishy on November 18, 2022 - 09:25
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