The Magic of Go Yomiuri Shimbun
The Magic of Go was a weekly Go column in the Daily Yomiuri Shimbun, a major Japanese newspaper. It was originally authored by Richard Bozulich (Issues 1-46) and was later continued by Rob van Zeijst (Issues 47-428). It should not be confused with the book which was written by Cho Chikun.
On August 18 of 2007, the last issue of The Magic of Go appeared in the Yomiuri Shimbun.
Copies of older issues can be found at: and (which points to the same place)
- (12/18/2018 - web archive of this link with pictures and everything
- Issues 1 through 15 combine an introduction to the rules with an overview of the history of go in China, Japan, and Korea.
- Issues 16 through 30 provide brief profiles of a number of modern go players.
- Issues 31 through 46 describe some go current events and some basic tesuji.
- Issues 16 through 30 provide brief profiles of a number of modern go players.
corrections are listed in Errata.
See also
New go pages of Yomiuri at here (only in Japanese).
Lesson 49 is missing in all archives :(