Cho Seunga

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cho seungah 2017
cho seungah 2017

Cho Seunga (Korean: 조승아) is a Korean female professional 6 dan (born 1998-08-08)

Known on Go4Go as Seungah

World #8 female professional on the 2022-01-01 Go Ratings list. As of 2024-05-20, Cho Seunga is the [ext] #14 ranked female player and #302 overall, and #5 ranked female player in Korea.

Table of contents


Head-to-head scores against current female rivals

(Based on [ext] Cho Seungah, Go Ratings and game list), as of 7 June 2024

  • Choi Jung, 9p, current Korean and World #1 female: 2–7
  • Kim Eunji, 9p, #3 female and #1 female teenager in world, #2 female in South Korea: 1–9
  • O Yujin, 9p, #7 female in world, #3 female in South Korea: 5–9
  • Kim Chaeyeong, 8p, #8 female in world, #4 female in South Korea: 8–6
  • Nakamura Sumire, 3p, #16 ranked female #3 ranked female teenager in the world, #3 female in Japan: 2–0
  • Cho Hyeyeon, 9p, #19 female in world, once #1 and many years #2 female in world: 3–6
  • Wang Chenxing, 5p, #21 female in world, #9 female in China: 0–3
  • Kim Hye-min, 9p, #25 female in the world, #8 female player in Korea: 8–3
  • Kim Dayoung, 5p, Kim Chaeyeong's younger sister, #27 ranked female in the world and #9 female in Korea: 6–3
  • Pak Chi-eun, 9p, #68 in world (formerly #3 for 4 years), #23 in Korea (formerly #1): 1–0



  • Lian Xiao says on one of his videos in 2021 that apparently one time when Xie Ke went to Korea and played Kim Jiseok, he asked Kim after the game whether he could pass on a message to Cho Seungah (曹承亚) because he wants to play her again because he lost to her as a junior, and Kim was very inquisitive about his true intentions [ext] bilibili clip


cho seungah aug2023 (Image credit: 0)
cho seungah aug2023 (Image credit:

cho seungah aug2023 (Image credit: 2)
cho seungah aug2023 (Image credit:

Cho Seunga last edited by Jono64a on June 22, 2024 - 06:09
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