Hoshiai Shiho

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Hoshiai Shiho's photo at Nihon Ki-in

Hoshiai Shiho (星合志保, Born on April 16, 1997 in Tokyo) has been a professional player at Nihon Ki-in since 2013.

3p with 40 wins on 5 March 2021.

She's been married to Son Makoto 7p [ext] since 7 July 2022.

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  • Assistant at the NHK Cup in 2015.
  • 2 dan in 2017
  • In 2018, she was the semi-finalist at the Female Tachiaoi Cup but was defeated by Xie Yimin.
  • Personality at NHK Cup since April 2019
  • In 2019, she was the semi-finalist at the Tachiaoi Cup but was defeated by Ueno Asami.
  • In 2020, she was the finalist and fought against Fujisawa Rina to be the challenger to the Women's Honinbo.
  • In 2021, she did manage to become the Women's Honinbo challenger, again facing Rina, this time for the title. Her challenge, though, was unsuccessful.


Her brother Hoshiai Shingo is a Waseda University Go Club alumnus known for winning the All Japan Student Go Best 10? in 2017 (operated by the All Japan Student Go Federation) and the 2014 High School Championship.



In 2019, Hoshiai and her good friend Kibe Natsuki, then both 2 dans, published Female Go Players Photo Book. This comprised photos and interviews with 10 female Go professionals (including themselves). They hoped to raise popularity for Go. They [ext] crowdfunded for the publication costs, aiming for 1.5 million yen, but raised about 4.39 million yen.


Hoshiai Shiho 2023 (Image credit: 0)
hoshiai shiho 2023 (Image credit: Foxwq.com)

Hoshiai Shiho with her husband Don Makoto 2023 (Image credit: ameblo.jp)
Hoshiai Shiho with her husband Son Makoto, 3 Dec 2023 (Image credit: ameblo.jp)

Hoshiai Shiho last edited by Jono64a on June 21, 2024 - 04:14
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