Problems and Exercises

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There are more than two thousand go problems on Sensei's Library, often with annotated solutions. Here is a non-exhaustive[1] list of indexes to such Go problems and a few isolated pages.

Before you add a problem to SL, kindly check about posting problems.

Table of contents

Classical Problem collections

(From easy to difficult)

Indexes by difficulty level

Indexes per game stage

Indexes per specific tactics

Indexes per essential concepts

Problem sets from real games

Other indexes

Challenges, Puzzles and Oddities

Elsewhere (not on SL)

See Go Problems on the Internet




You can also do an advanced findpage, with pagetype "none", setting the desired difficulty and keyword "problem" plus others like "opening", "tesuji", ... . If looking for a topic exercise you can add the topic to the name field.

Problems and Exercises last edited by hnishy on June 19, 2024 - 02:42
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