Spot the Atari
Spot the Atari!
Here are some exercises for entry-level players to learn how to see which stones are in atari, i.e. with only one liberty remaining. When stones are in atari, they can be captured at the next move.
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This is the solution to the example exercise. Notice that the stone is under atari and can capture it.
For Exercises 1 to 5, some stones of one colour will be under atari, and there is exactly one point where a capture can be made. Your task is to find the stones under atari, and spot the point that captures these stones.
The link to the solutions can be found at the bottom of this page.
Exercise 1
For Exercises 6 to 10, one or more groups from either colour may be under atari. For each colour, determine the best point for capturing stones from the opposite colour, if such a point exists.
The link to the solutions can be found at the bottom of this page.
Exercise 6
Here are the solutions to the exercises.