Tim Hunt

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I'm a UK go player with a grade of 3 dan.

I play on [ext] KGS from time to time under the name TimHunt (what originality!). I am a member of the [ext] Milton Keynes Go Club. I am webmaster for the [ext] British Go Association (BGA) (But I have only just taken over, so don't blame me for anything there now!). I review games for the [ext] Go Teaching Ladder and am a long-time participant in the [ext] rec.games.go newsgroup. All-in-all I spend far too much time thinking about go.


Occaionally I 'invent' go problems. Here are some:

Note: The paper [ext] Eyespace Values in Go by Howard A. Landman is probably the most useful thing to come out of the attempts to apply CGT to go. It takes the concept of half eyes further by classifying all the possible amounts of eye space. This is very helpful for analysing life and death problems, both when they are problems, and in real games. It also makes creating problems a lot easier. However, it is quite amusing to see an academic paper citing 'Graded Go Problems for Beginners'!.

dnerra: Tim, your problems are really nice! No. 6 is my favourite.

Tim Hunt last edited by on May 17, 2004 - 10:02
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