Kobayashi Chizu

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Kobayashi Chizu's Nihon Ki-in photograph

Kobayashi Chizu (小林 千寿, born 29 September 1954) is a Nihon Ki-in female professional Go player who reached 6-dan in 2016.

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Early life

Kobayashi was a pupil of Kitani Minoru. She is the oldest of four siblings, and the only girl, three of whom are professional players: Kobayashi Chizu, Kobayashi Satoru and Kobayashi Kenji. Another brother, Takayuki is also a semi-professional (jun-kishi, an obsolete teaching title). Chizu has one daughter, Anna.

The three Mukai sisters, Mimura Kaori, Nagashima Kozue, and Mukai Chiaki, are her first cousins once removed (their mother is his cousin; her father and the Mukais’ maternal grandmother were brothers).

The four Kobayashi siblings became pupils of Kitani Minoru. Chizu was the first to become a professional.

Promotion history

Kobayashi became a professional in 1972, 2-dan in 1973, 3-dan in 1974, 4-dan in 1976, 5-dan in 1978, and 6-dan in 2016.


All-Japan Women's Championship 1976, 1977 and 1978. Women's Kakusei 1989, 1993 and 1997.

An ardent supporter of western Go, she spent several years in Europe, living in Berlin, Paris or Switzerland. She also sponsored and taught many of the western inseis in the Nihon Ki-in. During most of 2007 she was a 'Cultural Ambassador' appointed by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁文化交流使) in Vienna. On November 27-29, 2009 she organized her 3rd "Masterclass" there. The earliest 'Masters' had seen Takemiya Masaki 9P, former Honinbo, as a teacher. This time - once more - with Aoki Shin'ichi 9P, resident for a year in Vienna as a Cultural Ambassador, and his sister Aoki Kikuyo 8P, former Female Meijin.

In 2010 she returned to Japan, intent on increasing Japanese support for Go in the West, and successfully campaigned for a seat on the Nihon Kiin Board of Directors. She is an executive director of the Nihon Ki-in ( June 2010 – June 2012 , June 2016 – present).

Head-to-head scores against current female rivals

(Based on [ext] Kobayashi Chizu, Go Ratings and game list), as of 23 Jun 2024


Hans Pietsch, Antti Tormanen


Bill: Kobayashi sensei visited Santa Fe, NM, around 1980. A friend and I taxied her around. She is muy simpatica. :-)

maruseru: Since March 2007 Kobayashi Chizu-sensei is living in Vienna, Austria, for one year, sponsored by the Government of Japan. If we can build up a sizable Go community within this year, she could stay beyond 2008.

She already has had a great impact on Go in Vienna. She teaches at prestigious schools, has organized a Go course at the Japanese Cultural Center in Vienna, and has been the impetus for the Austrian Go Federation to open a club, GO7.

Kobayashi-sensei has held a workshop with Takemiya Masaki 9p and Kenmochi Jo 7p in Vienna in early January 2008.

As cultural advisor for the Japanese government in Europe she also travels to other European countries to spread Go. Her efforts are especially targeted at promoting youth Go.

In September 2008 she has moved to Paris. She will still come back to Vienna every month as she now feels responsible for the Go community there.

On September 1st, 2008, she gave a lecture at the Go7 club in Vienna. She asked the two strongest players present to play on the demo board and commented during the game. You can [ext] download this game.


Kobayashi Chizu last edited by Jono64a on June 23, 2024 - 20:21
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