All-Japan Women's Championship

    Keywords: Tournament

(全日本女子囲碁選手権戦) All-Japan Women's Championship was the first major Japanese women's event and the first continuous event for women. It is also one of the oldest of modern events. Since it was the only major tournament for women when the Honinbo title was the only major title for men, then this women's event was unofficially referred to as the Women's Honinbo. It was also called, Women's Championship for short. After 27-terms, it was replaced by an official Women's Honinbo in 1982.

Term Year Winner Score Runner-up
1 1952 Ito Tomoe 1–0 Takeda Misao
2 1953 Sugiuchi Kazuko 2–0 Ito Tomoe
3 1954 Sugiuchi Kazuko 2–0 Suzuki Tsuna
4 1955 Sugiuchi Kazuko 2–1 Ito Tomoe
5 1956 Sugiuchi Kazuko 2–0 Ito Tomoe
6 1957 Ito Tomoe -- won by special league*
7 1958 Ito Tomoe 2–0 Suzuki Tsuna
-- 1959 -- -- --
8 1960 Ito Tomoe 2–0 Honda Sachiko
9 1961 Ito Tomoe 2–0 Kitani Reiko
10 1962 Ito Tomoe 2–0 Takeda Misao
11 1963 Kitani Reiko 2–1 Ito Tomoe
-- 1964 -- -- --
12 1965 Ito Tomoe 2–1 Kitani Reiko
13 1966 Kitani Reiko 2–0 Ito Tomoe
14 1967 Kitani Reiko 2–1 Ito Tomoe
15 1968 Kitani Reiko 2–1 Kodama Sachiko
16 1969 Honda Sachiko 2–1 Kitani Reiko
17 1970 Kitani Reiko 2–0 Honda Sachiko
18 1971 Kitani Reiko 2–1 Honda Sachiko
19 1972 Honda Sachiko 2–0 Kitani Reiko
20 1973 Honda Sachiko 2–0 Ito Tomoe
-- 1974 -- -- --
21 1975 Honda Sachiko 2–1 Kobayashi Chizu
22 1976 Kobayashi Chizu 2–0 Honda Sachiko
23 1977 Kobayashi Chizu 2–1 Honda Sachiko
24 1978 Kobayashi Chizu 2–1 Ogawa Tomoko
25 1979 Ogawa Tomoko 2–0 Kobayashi Chizu
26 1980 Ogawa Tomoko 2–1 Kobayashi Chizu
27 1981 Honda Sachiko 2–1 Ogawa Tomoko
  • Special league was necessary, because defending champion Sugiuchi Kazuko retired for 10 years to raise her children, rather than defend her title.

See also

All-Japan Women's Championship last edited by Jono64a on August 8, 2024 - 00:31
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