Ko fight
A ko fight is a local situation which is decided or affected by a ko. The fight involves the ko itself and the ko threats.
The basic sequence of a ko fight is thus, with White starting:
- White takes the ko
- Black makes a ko threat
- White answers the threat
- Black takes back the ko
- White makes a threat
- Black answers the threat
- White takes back the ko
... and so on until finally
- Black or White ignores the threat to resolve the ko
- White or Black follows up on the threat, taking compensation for losing the ko.
Players may occasionally enlarge the ko, reduce the ko or yield the ko.
- Ko fight example and Ko fight example 2 - in these contrived examples we attempt to explain the calculations behind the decision to resolve the ko or not.
- Ko fight example 3 from an amateur game
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 1 start of a series of real pro examples
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 2
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 3
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 4
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 5
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 6
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 7
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 8
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 9
- The amazing comeback by Rafe against Kaziwami - perhaps one of the most instructive examples of how to use a ko fight to win a (lost) game.
- Ko fight example from a pro game - 10
See also fighting ko