Ko fight

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Ko, Go term

Chinese: 劫争 (jié zhēng)
Japanese: コウ争い (kō-arasoi)
Korean: -

A ko fight is a local situation which is decided or affected by a ko. The fight involves the ko itself and the ko threats.

The basic sequence of a ko fight is thus, with White starting:

  1. White takes the ko
  2. Black makes a ko threat
  3. White answers the threat
  4. Black takes back the ko
  5. White makes a threat
  6. Black answers the threat
  7. White takes back the ko

... and so on until finally

  • Black or White ignores the threat to resolve the ko
  • White or Black follows up on the threat, taking compensation for losing the ko.

Players may occasionally enlarge the ko, reduce the ko or yield the ko.


  1. Ko fight example and Ko fight example 2 - in these contrived examples we attempt to explain the calculations behind the decision to resolve the ko or not.
  2. Ko fight example 3 from an amateur game
  3. Ko fight example from a pro game - 1 start of a series of real pro examples
  4. Ko fight example from a pro game - 2
  5. Ko fight example from a pro game - 3
  6. Ko fight example from a pro game - 4
  7. Ko fight example from a pro game - 5
  8. Ko fight example from a pro game - 6
  9. Ko fight example from a pro game - 7
  10. Ko fight example from a pro game - 8
  11. Ko fight example from a pro game - 9
  12. The amazing comeback by Rafe against Kaziwami - perhaps one of the most instructive examples of how to use a ko fight to win a (lost) game.
  13. Ko fight example from a pro game - 10


  1. Ko fight exercise 1

See also fighting ko

/Old material

Ko fight last edited by Dieter on October 4, 2023 - 17:20
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