Under the Stones

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Life & Death, Tesuji

Chinese: 倒脱靴 (dao4 tuo1 xue1); 脱骨 (tuo4 gu3)
Japanese 1: 石の下 (ishi no shita)
Japanese 2: アトギリ (atogiri) when it is a cut
Korean: 후절수

A play under the stones (Japanese: ishi-no-shita) is a play in a space which has become free because some of your own stones have been captured, other than more common nakade and throw-in.

There are some spectacular tesuji where you plan to do this, losing stones deliberately, and carry that out unexpectedly.

Under the stones example.  

Under the stones can be found in some life and death problems. This one is taken from Beginner Exercise 55.

Under the stones example.  

Black can play at B1, sacrificing four black stones. Playing B1 at 2 will not save the group.

Under the stones example.  

Even though W2 captures four black stones, the magic of the under the stones tesuji is shown when B3 recaptures two white stones to make the second eye and lives.



WikiMasterEdited by Dieter.

Under the Stones last edited by hnishy on July 10, 2024 - 01:26
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