Give me liberties
...or give me death which is the case in Go.
Table of contents |
A path to collect up and index pages on liberties when they are crucial.
Shortage of Liberties
- Two liberties
- shortage of liberties known in Japanese as damezumari
- too close
- don't take away your own liberties
- the bamboo joint may be short of liberties
- five liberties for tactical stability
- five liberties comments
- the empty triangle is bad
- connect-and-die known in Japanese as oiotoshi
- oshitsubushi
- throw-in
- nose tesuji
- liberties stones ratio
- Gun Eight
Capturing Races
- capturing race known in Japanese as semeai.
- outside liberties
- inside liberties
- approach moves
- approach liberty
- fighting liberty
- counting liberties
- how to count liberties
- eyes win semeais
- me ari me nashi
- big eye
- big eye liberties
- big eyes can be small in the corner
- nakade liberties (some duplicate material)
- eyes that lose liberties
- big eye wins semeai
- Capturing race examples
- Two Stone Corner Squeeze
- belly attachment
- Late endgame exercise - Fujitsu 4 Game 16
- Capturing Race / Discussion
- go research on semeai
- cut to gain a liberty
- stretch to gain a liberty
- nose point