Robert Jasiek
Professional Activities
Robert Jasiek, who is an amateur 5d player with the profession of go book author, go book publisher and go teacher,
- offers online or written teaching
- is the author and publisher of these books, which are available here:
- Basic Endgame Problems 1 Gote
- Basic Endgame Problems 2 Sente
- Endgame 5 Mathematics
- Endgame 4 Global Move Order
- Psychology
- Capturing Races 2 / Tactical Problems
- Endgame Problems 1
- Endgame 3 Accurate Local Evaluation
- Endgame 2 Values
- First Life and Death
- Tactical Reading
- Endgame 1 Fundamentals
- EasyLearningJoseki
- Life and Death Problems 1
- Fighting Fundamentals
- Positional Judgement 1 / Territory
- Positional Judgement 2 / Dynamics
- First Fundamentals
- Capturing Races 1 / Two Basic Groups
- Joseki / Volume 1: Fundamentals
- Joseki / Volume 2: Strategy
- Joseki / Volume 3: Dictionary
- List of errata in my books.
Robert Jasiek
- go teacher
- go book author
- German 5 dan
- researcher in go theory
- go rules expert
- business game designer
Selection of My Hobbies
- playing go
- studying go
- researching in go theory
- researching in go rules theory
- playing 18xx
Planned Media
- Crisis: Business game as tough as real stock markets.
- many other go books
- Started seriously in May 1991. From 9k to 1k one rank ca. every 4 weeks, from 1d to 2d in 3 weeks, German 5d 1998. Improved mainly by reading many books.
- Greatest achievements:
- European Go Championship 2005 11th European (total place 25).
- European 13x13 Go Championship 2012 2nd place as 5 dan under the handicap system "1 stone / 5 ranks, komi 8.5 - 2*r, AreaScoring without handicap recompensation".
- European 13x13 Go Championship 2009 2nd place as 5 dan under the handicap system "1 stone / 5 ranks, komi 8.5 - 2*r, AreaScoring without handicap recompensation".
- European 13x13 Go Championship 2006 2nd place as 5 dan under the handicap system "1 stone / 4 ranks, komi 8.5 - 2*r".
- European 13x13 Go Championship 2004 2nd place as 5 dan under the handicap system "1 stone / 5 ranks, komi 8.5 - 2*r".
- European 9x9 Go Championship 2014 shared 3rd place as 5 dan under the handicap system "1 stone / 10 ranks, komi 6.5 - r".
- German Lightning Champion 2018.
- German Lightning Champion 2006.
- German Pairgo Champion 2010 together with Judith Conradi.
- Other particularly remarkable achievements:
- 7+ times German Lightning Championship 2nd place.
- 6 times Berliner Champion.
- Since autumn 2004 known for starting with the 9-7 as Black.
- Plays as sum on KGS.
Subpages and Other Pages Closely Related to Robert Jasiek
- For discussion please use the subpage RobertJasiek/Discussion.
- Commentary on the Asian Games 2013 Rules
- RobertJasiek/LongestSuperkoCycle
- Sensei's Library pages requiring improvement:
- Bad information: solid connection. Good information: RobertJasiek/SolidConnection
- Too incomplete information: efficiency. Filling some gaps: RobertJasiek/Efficiency.
- Go Terms By Robert Jasiek has a so far tiny selection of the many terms created by Robert Jasiek.