Late endgame exercise - Fujitsu 4 Game 16
Event: 4th Fujitsu Cupon Jan van der Steen's web site Round: Round 2, 8 Date: 1991-04-08 Place: Tokyo (Nihon Ki-in), Japan Black Player: Cho Hun-hyeon Black Rank: 9 dan White Player: O Rissei White Rank: 9 dan Komi: 5.5 Result: W+3.5 Source: 1992 Kido yearbook
Captured stones: B: 1 W: 10
The top-left corner is a seki.
Can Black actually win the semeai in the top-right corner? It doesn't seem possible. Then White should win by 17.5, not 3.5!
Any idea?
Black is dead in the top right, and the score is W+3.5.
Black is dead, basically because in the semeai, White has an eye and Black doesn't (MeAriMeNashi).
To count the score:
White in bottom left: 34 points. White in top right: 62 points. White in top middle/left: 2 points. White's prisoner: 1 points. Komi: 5.5 points. White's total: 104.5
Black's territory:
(What a pain, it is all in one lump, which makes it easy to lose count. I'll divide it artifically.)
Black territory, rows 7 and above: 25 points. Territory from dead white stones in the Black territory: 30 points. Other Black territory, rows 1 to 6: 36 points. Black's prisoners: 10 points. Black's total: 101
(I hope that was comprehensible, everyone has their own way of counting.)
--Tim Hunt
Thanks for the help. I must have done something wrong to get such a big difference. Have to check again. Still, I don't understand why you count 2 points for White in the top left. It's a seki isn't it? The game was played in Tokyo so I suppose Japanese rules were in use.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. It is a seki in the top left corner, but there is another white group in the top left quarter of the board, and I was referring to that.
--Tim Hunt
I see. Then White won by 3.5.
To answer to the original question : black cannot kill the white group in the upper right corner. It's me ari me nashi, and black has not enough outside liberties.