Develop on both sides

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Joseki, Strategy

This isn't the result of a real joseki,[1] but a kind of standard of comparison. How is this result to be evaluated, given that White had first play here?

  • The white+circle stones mean that White has a good base for each group.
  • The black+circle stone means that Black has escaped into the centre, as well as taking the corner.

From the point of view of the whole board position, White's two well-developed groups are the most important feature. In the global picture, getting established on both sides should outweigh Black's corner profit and sente.

There are many joseki variations with comparable results, especially with the 3-5 point pincers. In those one expects to find that one of the two side groups is weaker than in the diagram.

Allowing the opponent good development on both sides isn't really an acceptable result in joseki. The player taking the corner is interested in making the pincer (or double kakari) here look like an overplay.

Two-space pincer  

The purpose of B1 here probably is to develop on both sides. White must now consider carefully whether playing White a, Black b, White c is good enough. If not, a pincer in the direction of d must be thought about.

Charles Matthews

[1] Bill: This position occurs often enough in pro games that I think we can call it joseki. E. g.,

Common shape  

B5 elsewhere.

Example, 9 dan vs. 9 dan:

Honda Kunihisa (W) - Miyamoto Yoshihisa (B), 2005  

Develop on both sides last edited by xela on November 27, 2008 - 00:26
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