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Go player from Vienna, Austria.

My real name is Marcel Grünauer; I'm rated 4k (EGF) and can play as 2-3 dan in Tokyo. :)

Co-founder of and website maintainer for the [ext] Goklub Gote, located in Vienna (Wien), Austria.

I've written a guide to Baduk terminology, translating Korean baduk terms, book titles and player names.

Creator of the Divine Go Problem.

Developer of the Blosxom Plugin for SL.

I've also thought about a few other things:

My thoughts about Go

For me, Go is a way of growing, studying and appreciating culture. Competing with others is not important. It means that I don't want to pressure myself. I don't mind about taking time. If I am taking the time to learn Go, I might as well do it properly. That is what I believe.

Games::Go::Dg2SL and my subpages

At some point I realized that I'd like to enter analyses in an SGF editor but would like to read them in a Wiki style, namely, here. The results can be seen in the subpages of this page. To create them I've used sgf2dg and written a Games::Go::Dg2SL, a converter plugin that outputs Sensei's Library format.

The analyses on the subpages result from discussions with my teacher Ralph Spiegl (5d).


LukeNine45: Actually, this looks useful enough that perhaps it should find a home somewhere on SL? Maybe it could get set up like the SGF diagram converter that's currently availible here? hmmm...

maruseru: I've removed some of the previous discussion as sgf2dg and Games::Go::Dg2SL now have their own pages.

Richard Mullens?: Yes, Shanghai isn't in Europe, but the tournament was advertised for European players.

Maruseru last edited by on November 28, 2016 - 16:08
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