Weiqi Tiandi
围棋 天地 - Wéiqí Tiāndì - The World Of Weiqi.
A semi-monthly Chinese go magazine established in October 1984 to cover the Japan-China Super Go matches[1].
The basic level of the content assumes greater knowledge of the game than is usual in Western Go magazines. Weiqi Tiandi features in-depth courses which last for a about 20 issues and focus on fuseki, joseki or other aspects of the game.
Beginning in 2005, each issues has grown to about 100 pages twice a month. With the increase in size, the binding has changed from folded and stapled (like Go World), to the glued perfect binding used for paperback books.
ISSN: 1002-8706
Price: 10.00元 (10.00 Yuan)
Tel.: +86-10-63583128 and 63583098
Obtaining Weiqi Tiandi in the West
Velobici: Weiqi Tiandi appears to be available for around $70 plus shipping at http://www.chinesebookcity.com/product_info.php?products_id=84 or call 416-818-5628. Much better price than either
http://www.eastview.com/ or
tderz: Subscription in Western countries is possible via
eastview.com for a stiff Annual subscription price of $265.00 as of 10 September 2006 (that's factor 300 (!) over simply buying it there if we assume 1$ = 8.3 Yuan (¥, 人民币)
RMB, Renminbi, and one copy at 4.80 ¥. You could as well have a friend mail it to you once in a while (...wait...) by snail-mail and invite him/her for dining out several times a year.
The information given on that website is wrong, the frequency has doubled. Hence, I assume that they do not mail at present inspite that the site reports status=active.
115.2 Yuan/year preferential subscription (in China, I guess) via gotoread.com.
Once I have my own website, I'll upload some non-copyright infringing sample pages w.r.t. course materials given in Weiqi Tiandi.
tealeaf: For UK residents interested in this magazine, there is a bookshop in London named Guanghwa (tel: 0207 437 3737) that is willing to manage a yearly subscription to be posted to a UK address. The price is around £110 a year for surface shipping. It's not cheap, but is an option if you are really interested. Remember that you'll need to be able to read Chinese!
nando: I don't know when it has increased, but the issue I purchased in may this year (2006.10) was priced 5.80元 (still incredibly cheap)
From beginning 2007 the price is 6.5 yuan. There is an another magazine Weiqi Qiyi (The Art of Weiqi which is less luxuous but even better inside (less pro china for example) and cheaper 5 yuan
max (blog:chengduweiqicenter.blog4ever.com)
From beginning 2009, the price will be 10 yuan by numero in the chinese newspaper's shops.
Spirit: It is also available in the Netherlands from http://www.mingyabooks.com/ for 209 euro per year. (2012)
maruseru: In Vienna, there is a chinese bookshop that sells the magazine for EUR 2,90 per issue. China Books, Kettenbrückengasse 22, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Spirit: Could anyone please find out what they charge for postage to Amsterdam? Say for a yearly subscription?
Juin?: For those living in France,there's a library in Paris managing the suscription for about 170 euros/year.I myself made a subscription and receive the Weiqi Tiand.Here is the adress:
45 rue Monsieur le Prince
75006 Paris
[1] Information from the documentary mms://winmedia.cctv.com/documentary/2008/06/documentary_300_20080607_1.wmv