Blosxom Plugin For SL
blosxom is a lightweight but powerful blog application written in Perl. It's really easy to modify and extend as well. A plugin is just a Perl module that is dropped into a plugin directory. There's nothing to restart, it just works. Some plugins can be configured via a few variables as well.
Since in my blog I'm likely to refer to Sensei's Library quite a bit, I wrote a blosxom plugin that makes it easy to create links to Sensei's Library without having to construct the URLs and link markup manually.
The plugin is available for download. Here is how to use it:
A link in a story like this:
<SL:RecentChanges>latest updates</SL>
is turned into a link like this:
<a href="">latest updates</a>
You don't need to escape non-alphanumeric characters in topics. For example, to link to a subpage of a topic, use:
If you don't provide a topic to link to in the <SL> tag, the link text is wikified and used instead. Therefore, the same result as above can be obtained by
<SL>Recent Changes</SL>
Like normal HTML, the tag isn't case sensitive, so you could also use <sl>.