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My real name is Tom and I play go, mostly online

I'm smaragdaemon on DGS: [ext] http://www.dragongoserver.net/ratinggraph.php?uid=45295

and greendemon on KGS: [ext] http://www.gokgs.com/graphPage.jsp?user=greendemon

I'm from Austin, TX, but I'm currently going to grad school in Colorado.

Please feel free to leave comments for me here, or challenge me to a game.

My Go books:

Downloading CGSuite has helped my understanding of CGT immensely. Here's an interesting position.

Double Sente?  
26 points  
3 or -1  

Position Values:

      /    \
  13.5      -13.5
 /   \       /   \
26    1    -1    -26
     / \   / \
    3  -1 1   -3

This is a classic "double sente" position. It looks like 2 points double sente (i.e. from 1 to -1). In fact, playing the initial capture has a temperature of 13.5, but the block only has a temperature of 12.5, so the position is in fact gote: if there are other 13 point plays on the board, one player will capture the 2 stones, and the other will play elsewhere, until the temperature drops to 12.5. If the temperature is less than 12.5, it is in fact sente for both players. The thermograph looks something like this:

    / \
   |   |
   |   |
   |   |
   |   |
   |   |
   |   |
  /     \

There are 3 critical temperatures: at 13.5, the position becomes hot: both players want to play, but it's gote. At 12.5 it becomes "double sente", sente for both players. It stays that way until the temperature falls below 2, when it becomes gote again, when the position simplifies to {3 | -3}.

tapir: Hi emeraldemon, seems not much other contributions for the nongshim cup games came up. I know that it is not what you wanted, but maybe it is useful for you anyway. [ext] http://internetgoschool.com/lectures.vhtml?tab=2#1 has game reviews of three of the games (3rd round 1st, 2nd and 3rd game). Cheers

emeraldemon: thanks, I'll check it out!

Year Fujitsu Cup Ing Cup Samsung Cup LG Cup Chunlan Cup Tong Yang securities Cup Toyota Denso Cup BC Card Cup
1988 Takemiya Masaki
1989 Takemiya Masaki Cho Hun-hyeon
1990 Rin Kaiho
1991 Cho Chikun
1992 Otake Hideo Yi Chang-ho
1993 Yu Chang-hyeok Seo Pong-su Yi Chang-ho
1994 Cho Hun-hyeon Cho Hun-hyeon
1995 Ma Xiaochun Ma Xiaochun
1996 Yi Chang-ho Yu Chang-hyeok Yoda Norimoto Yi Chang-ho
1997 Kobayashi Koichi Yi Chang-ho Yi Chang-ho Cho Hun-hyeon
1998 Yi Chang-ho Yi Chang-ho O Rissei Yi Chang-ho
1999 Yu Chang-hyeok Yi Chang-ho Yi Chang-ho Cho Hun-hyeon
2000 Cho Hun-hyeon Yu Chang-hyeok Yu Bin O Rissei
2001 Cho Hun-hyeon Yi Chang-ho Cho Hun-hyeon Yi Chang-ho Yu Chang-hyeok
2002 Yi Sedol Cho Hun-hyeon Yu Chang-hyeok
2003 Yi Sedol Cho Chikun Yi Sedol Yi Chang-ho Yi Chang-ho
2004 Pak Yeong-hun Yi Sedol Yi Chang-ho
2005 Yi Sedol Chang Hao Luo Xihe Cho U Yi Chang-ho Yi Sedol
2006 Pak Cheong-sang Chang Hao Gu Li Yi Sedol
2007 Pak Yeong-hun Yi Sedol Zhou Junxun Gu Li
2008 Gu Li Yi Sedol Yi Sedol Gu Li
2009 Kang Dongyun Choe Cheol-han Kong Jie Gu Li Chang Hao Gu Li
2010 Kong Jie Gu Li Kong Jie Yi Sedol
2011 Park Junghwan Won Sungjin Piao Wenyao Yi Sedol Yi Sedol
2012 Jiang Weijie Baek Hongsuk

-- GokyoShumyoSection1Problem14


emeraldemon last edited by Dieter on September 2, 2014 - 12:16
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