Bruce Wayne

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Interesting, and non-interesting facts:

  • Resides in Chicago, IL and helps run the Lakeview Go Club.
  • Learned Go in 2001 by the worst way possible, through Yahoo games.
  • Strength is currently 2kyu KGS, 4kyu AGA.

Books I've read:

Note: The rating I give each book is not based on how good of a book I think it is, but rather how well I feel the book helped me to improve my play, which, considering my rank, is completely subjective!

Things I've learned:

  • No matter how enthusiastic one is about Go, it is not possible to transfer this excitement to others unless the interest originates from that other person.
  • When playing a new player on a small board, finish the entire game even if you are ahead by a lot. Assuming your opponent understands the game to be over and messing up a part of the board in order to review the game is a mistake, and can be taken as an offense.
  • Don't play rated internet games when tired, drunk, or in a bad mood.
  • Always shake hands after the game, it is good class.

Some trick Joseki I've seen:


From a SanSan stone  

W3 and W5 are trick plays. B4 is a correct response but if B plays B6 to try and capture the corner then W7 uncovers the trick. The W group in the corner is alive while B is without a base and already pressured.


2-2 Invasion!  

Looks bleak for W after B6, but B6 is a mistake. B6 instead should be at b, keeping good shape, surrounding the W group, and W gets less territory than the 3-3 invasion would have produced.


After B8, B has only one eye in the corner. W will likely extend to somewhere like a, and the other W group will be able to fend for itself. B is forced to run into the center and W will gain the initiative.

There seems to be some disagreement over whether this is really bad for B or not.


rgg ref diagram

Bruce Wayne last edited by on March 17, 2010 - 19:12
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