Key Concepts in Life and Death -- Inside Moves and Under the Stones Techniques

Key Concepts in Life and Death
By: Richard Hunter
Publisher: Slate and Shell, 2007 (print version)
ISBN10 1-932001-33-6
133 pp.

Print Edition

Published by Slate and Shell in 2007. See publisher's [ext] description. Currently out of print and not included in the books available through Amazon Print on Demand. Retailers may still have some copies.

ebook Edition

A [ext] SmartGo Book version was published in 2013. A free sample is included in the free app, which can be downloaded from Apple's App Store: [ext] SmartGo Books.


ZenGarden I highly recommend this book as a primer on life and death. What makes this book stand out compared to other competing tomes like James Davies' "Life and Death" (also good but less user-friendly) is the author's detailed explanations, building up from simple examples to more complex situations. I particularly liked the emphasis on recognising dead shapes and the techniques for creating such positions.

HughJfan I also like this book a lot. Definitely worth buying, especially if you already have James Davies' book (even if you didn't like his counting liberties - I found that too confusing which put me off getting this for a while). Starts at the basics of killing shapes and works up. I often miss this sort of solution when doing problems so it should be helpful in the future. I really liked Hunter's idea to alter the standard format of Go diagrams when playing back into a space (i.e. starting with the move that captures the stones but not the captured stones) - which does make it easier to follow and suggests he put a fair amount of thought into making it easier to read. "Life and Death", this book and "All about life and death" (sadly OOP) make a really good set of L&D theory books. Level to read at? hmm maybe 15k-5k?? but that's a bit of a random guess (and I'm only KGS 9k).

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Key Concepts in Life and Death -- Inside Moves and Under the Stones Techniques last edited by bugcat on October 14, 2021 - 14:33
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