Kibe Natsuki

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Kibe Natsuki's Nihon Ki-in photo

Kibe Natsuki (木部 夏生, born August 11, 1995) is a Nihon Ki-in female 3 dan professional. Professional shodan in 2012. Pupil of Fujisawa Kazunari.

In 2022 she almost got into Female Meijin League, losing narrowly to Nakamura Sumire (who went to win this league and lost the title match to Fujisawa Rina).

Her Fox username is n1525.

In 2019, Kibe and her good friend Hoshiai Shiho, then both 2 dans, published Female Go Players Photo Book. This comprised photos and interviews with 10 female Go professionals (including themselves). They hoped to raise popularity for Go. They [ext] crowdfunded for the publication costs, aiming for 1.5 million yen, but raised about 4.39 million yen.


Kibe Natsuki last edited by Jono64a on June 20, 2024 - 23:31
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