German Go Championship / in 2018

Final Round

Place: [ext] Bremen
Date: 2018-10-11 to 2018-10-14
System: Round Robin
Rules: Japanese
Time: 120 min + 15 stones in 10 min Canadian
Komi: 7
Place Name Rank City R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Points
1 Welticke, Jonas 6 dan Bonn 5+ [ext] 6- [ext] 4+ [ext] 8+ [ext] 7+ [ext] 3+ [ext] 2+ [ext] 6
2 Krämer, Lukas 6 dan Bonn 8+ [ext] 5+ 6+ [ext] 4+ [ext] 3+ [ext] 7+ [ext] 1- [ext] 6
3 Obenaus, Johannes 6 dan Berlin 6+ 4- [ext] 8+ [ext] 5+ [ext] 2- [ext] 1- [ext] 7+ [ext] 4
4 Ruzicka, Martin 4 dan Freiburg 7+ 3+ [ext] 1- [ext] 2- [ext] 5- [ext] 8= [ext] 6+ [ext] 3.5
5 Pankoke, Matias 5 dan Oldenburg 1- [ext] 2- 7- [ext] 3- [ext] 4+ [ext] 6+ [ext] 8+ [ext] 3
6 Marz, Manja 4 dan Jena 3- 1+ [ext] 2- [ext] 7+ [ext] 8- [ext] 5- [ext] 4- [ext] 2
7 Pittner, Arved 4 dan Berlin 4- 8+ 5+ [ext] 6- [ext] 1- [ext] 2- [ext] 3- [ext] 2
8 Kacwin, Christopher 5 dan Bonn 2- [ext] 7- 3- [ext] 1- [ext] 6+ [ext] 4= [ext] 5- [ext] 1.5

Direct comparison broke each tie, especially the one at the top after Jonas defeated Lukas in the final round. The event was streamed on [ext] Twitch and is available on [ext] YouTube.

German Go Championship / in 2018 last edited by bugcat on May 29, 2023 - 19:35
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