German Go Championship / in 2003

Final Round

Place: [ext] Braunschweig
Date: 2003-12-04 to 2003-12-07
System: Round Robin
Rules: Japanese
Time: 120 min + 15 stones in 10 min Canadian
Komi: 6
Place Name Rank City R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Points
1 Dickhut, Franz-Josef 6 dan Mönchengladbach 6+ 7+ [ext] 3+ [ext] 8+ 2+ [ext] 5+ [ext] 4+ [ext] 7
2 Gerlach, Christoph 6 dan Hannover 3+ [ext] 8+ [ext] 6+ 7+ [ext] 1- [ext] 4+ [ext] 5- [ext] 5
3 Zhao Pei 6 dan Frankfurt 2- [ext] 5+ 1- [ext] 4+ [ext] 6+ 8+ 7+ 5
4 Rittner, Egbert 6 dan Hamburg 8+ [ext] 6- 7+ [ext] 3- [ext] 5+ [ext] 2- [ext] 1- [ext] 3
(5) Teuber, Benjamin 5 dan Hamburg 7- 3- 8+ 6+ 4- [ext] 1- [ext] 2+ [ext] 3
(6) von Arnim, Felix 5 dan Hamburg 1- 4+ 2- 5- 3- 7+ 8+ 3
7 Liu Yang 4 dan Hamburg 5+ 1- [ext] 4- [ext] 2- [ext] 8+ 6- 3- 2
8 Schütze, Bernd 4 dan Berlin 4- [ext] 2- [ext] 5- 1- 7- 3- 6- 0

Direct comparison broke the first tie. That failed on the second, leaving them shared (and sorted by the seed).

It should be mentioned that despite the facts below, Benjamin was allowed to attend:

  1. Benjamin, Japan trip ahead, withdrew from the championship.
  2. Zhang Gefei from Munich was invited as his substitute.
  3. Gefei repeatedly was assured that Benjamin's return (contemplated in his diary) would not affect his attendance.

See also

German Go Championship / in 2003 last edited by RobertPauli on February 11, 2020 - 14:23
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