Ugly descent

    Keywords: Tesuji

Ugly descent or ugly sagari is a tesuji used in some particular types of capturing races in the corner. The name "ugly sagari" was coined by HolIgor.

Ugly descent  

In capturing races like this, the ugly-looking descent like W1 here might be the key to overcome problems with shortage of liberties. In this case, it is the only correct move.

Ugly descent  

If B2 hanes, then the clamp of W3 is the next move to remember.

Ugly descent  

B2 puts up a stronger resistance, but the same clamp at W3 still works. While B4 is a tesuji for gaining liberties, White is still ahead by one move because the ugly descent prevents Black from making the approach move at a.


If W1 plays on the 1-2 point instead, then B2 can throw-in. White can only respond by creating a ko with W3.

Mistake (W7 at B2)  

This is an elaboration on why W3 in the previous diagram has to start a ko. Because if W3 captures the B2 stone, then after the descent at B4, Black has the cut at B8 which prevents White's approach at a.


W1 here won't do either. After B2, White has no good response.


There is also a belly attachment tesuji at W1, but it only results in a ko, unlike the unconditional capture achieved by the correct ugly descent move.

See also

Ugly descent last edited by JG on November 21, 2008 - 21:58
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