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Describe BobWhoosta here.

I have been playing Go for about 1 1/2 years, and my rank is still going up. I am currently 2k, and at my current level of understanding I expect to top out around 1d in rank on KGS. I hope to continue studying during that time, maybe even get some lessons to help focus my play and eliminate my mistakes.

I will describe my play: I love influence, and will often give corners away like Candy. I play almost exclusively double 4-4, and love it when my opponent thinks that by taking every available bit of territory he is somehow "ahead". My favorite games are when I go from 10 points to 85 in a single, blazing attack that doesn't kill anything. Of course this "global" strategy has one problem: it doesn't always work!!! In fact, I'll blow an entire game on a single misread. Still learning...

Just finished a teaching game with MXHero (KGS 4d), and I got the awesomest advice EVER:

MX: You need to overplay more.

Bob: WHAT!?!?!?

MX: You play so well against normal play, my feeling is that you simply cannot punish overplay correctly. When your opponents come in too deep, or play a move they shouldn't, and things get crazy, you don't do so well...

Bob: Yeah...

MX: So if you overplay, you can watch your opponents punish you, then use that in your games later. It's a learning experience.

(Next Day)

Bob: MX, you'll be proud, after our conversation I lost EVERY game!!!

MX: Great, good job!!!

Phelan: Heheh, awesome advice! XD

bacteria: That's actually not bad advice, but during that time you should have played games that don't count against rank :).

BobWhoosta last edited by on April 7, 2011 - 01:30
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