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I go by yuzu/matcha and I'm a US-based amateur SDK (~3-4k OGS [ext] yuzukitea).

I uhh... learned go when I was 7-8 years old? I took some beginner lessons in China as a child and likewise other casual lessons at Sunday school. I always liked go/weiqi, but never really played go with anyone other than my grandfather / younger brother until ~2016 (when I first joined OGS).

I think I'm shy and probably don't do very well under pressure, so I tend not to play many ranked games or even human games, so my game experience is fairly limited since I often spam unranked games against bots to relax...... (with like 1 hour time settings)...... I might have a slight go obsession and I watch a lot of go videos... honestly anything that I can find. Honestly, I'm not that knowledgeable though, since I didn't really start digging deeply until fairly recently. I don't do enough tsumego and my reading is bad unless I have all day to stare at something and think about it. I review games extensively with katrain/sabaki even though its bad to learn/copy AI moves without fully understanding them.

I like writing though. Writing is a hobby for me, and I wish that SL was organized better or digested nicely for ddk and sdk players to learn from.

[ext] GoKibitz is amazing and everyone should use it. You can also find me on the [ext] Massachusetts Go Association discord server.

Feel free to edit/change/remove the things that I write. SL is a wiki and I hope that it can continue to improve in the future.

Scribbling Wall for Scribble Scribble Scribble

yuzukitea: Is there a discord server for the library? I really wish there was a way to modernize this wiki...

bugcat: Welcome aboard <3

  • yuzukitea: Hi bugcat!!! You are everywhere, as usual~ xD

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yuzukitea last edited by yuzukitea on September 12, 2022 - 00:19
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