
Sub-page of TheArtOf9x9Go

Accompanying materials of The Art of 9x9 Go:



I was White and told myself: "Don't consider the base too much. Play light moves. Put some stones here and go somewhere else, which can be cut and trade off the territory."


Black is a middle dan player, so at the opening, he did not much concern about the linkage between his stones. He played a classic Dosaku's opening, with B1 and B2. W2 is now being pressed lightly. The urgent task is to strengthen W2. It seemed to White that Black's strategy is to make no effort for territory building, but to put pressure on White. Moreover, the shape of black stones look balance: Neither too defensive nor too aggressive.


White stood with W4, and Black happily occupied the corner with B5. Up to this point, Black has mapped three forth of the board, which forces White to do something reducing the large potential territory of Black.


W6 is a strategic move. It is ready to die, seeming like a stupid self-killing move. Don't try to help W6. This is a light move strategy, employed to destroy the potential territory of Black only.


B7 makes it difficult for White to help W6 by playing at a or b, which will result in a heavy white group. Heaviness causes greater loss and inefficiency of territory development and situation control.


The idea behind W8 is that if Black blocks at a, White will attack black+circle at b. And, if Black blocks at b, White will help white+circle at a. Black needs to make a decision on whether he want to attack white+circle or to help black+circle.

TheArtOf9x9Go/shinji2 last edited by on April 11, 2023 - 02:36
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