Accompanying materials of The Art of 9x9 Go: Game 2
I am Black, using the center-point opening. This is an old game. Nowadays, I prefer a to because a can better support in attacking the enemy.
attacks , and attacks , softly. It is a soft attack because White and Black have many but fewer ways to go. This is just a path way blocking. Here has to extend downwards.
touches as White wants to offer a complex fighting in this area, to destroy Black's potential territory. is better than a, as is far from its supporting army, .
This is a complex fighting that White creates. White can exchange the top left corner with the bottom left corner. If White can occupy two corners successfully, he will beat Black with ease.
is unusual. My strategy is to play a sente defend if White plays a, then I will attack the right white group. Playing an unexpected good move is a beauty of go, which requires wisdom to discover.
White is now leading. To beat him, Black needs a complex fighting to destroy the white army on the right-hand side. Touching attack is the art of demolition for the side that is following. You need to take a risk if you clearly go after the opponent.