Miyamoto Naoki 8p vs
Go Seigen 9p
1968, Japan
It was in 1968, when the two Go master played a two-games match to decide a proper komi for 9x9 Go. This is the first game of the match and the first Sino-Japanese 9x9 Go match in history. This is also the first year in the timeline of Computer Go. The first ever program which played complete Go games was written in 1968. Now, in 2021, with the AlphaZero modifying technology, we have the strongest superhuman Go program to analyze the game record. We are going back to 1968, peering this game, to see the strength and weakness of both players more clearly, and then correct their moves for better results (higher wining rate and higher score for each move).
Let's see the logic behind this game, which has been unnoticed since 1968.
Miyamoto has black stones. He played at D5, or Takamoku, a popular opening in 9x9 Go.
implies Miyamoto is a territorial player. He expected White to reply at a, which will create a balance influence by equally dividing the board into two sections: the left and the right sides.
Takamoku is a careful opening, often used when Black thinks the opponent is probably stronger. Yoki Satoshi 9p also opened the game with Takamoku when his opponent is former world champion Cho Hunhyun 9p (Jan. 6, 2002).
Go Seigen, White, played Takamoku too, which creates the balance as said. This is the best move for White. Cho Hunhyun 9p also played just like this. Why did they play so? See the following consequences if White plays
If White plays at Hoshi, to approach
with the knight move, Black can attack
in many ways and will win, with the confidence of 98-99%.
One global strategy is to push White towards the smaller top right corner so that Black can occupy the larger free land, from the left top, the left bottom, and the right bottom corners. The moves from to
shows the implementation of this pushing strategy.
First, Black can play the contact move , to weaken
, with the support of
. Then, White helps
, and then Black continues the attack with
; White saves
and Black secures the group with
The war continues until move 53. Black always leads White.
Local tactics are employed from to
Black helps with
, which simultaneously attacks
Helping is not urgent, White plays a bigger move,
, to protect the large free space on the top.
claims the large empty space and shows the intention to invade the top left area, to destroy White's space.
tries to block Black from invasion.
, to develop a firm basis for more powerful attack and defend of this camp.
expands White's base and protects the top right corner.
tries to resist;
secures the group;
starts the invasion plan.
White wants to kill more Black's space in the right bottom zone. One strategy is to let die with more friends, by adding more white stones to die, such as
so that White can push black stones from the external more forcefully, deeper into the bottom corner along the right edge.
Eventually, Black wins by 4 points.
So, Go Seigen is right. Don't play at Hoshi when
is Takmoku. Takamuku beats Hoshi.
Hint: Play the copy move for if
is Takamoku. This art of 9x9 Go has been confirmed by the games of Go Seigen 9p in 1986, Cho Hunhyun 9p in 2002, and the superhuman master, Kata Go 40bs604 in 2021.
Back to the game
Miyamoto wants to attack .
The approaching moves, from a to f, are optional, but he wants to break the balance between and
so that Go Seigen will not copy his move again.
So, Miyamoto headbutts with , the first bad move in this game.
Note: Moves in 9x9 Go can be classified into four groups: very bad, bad, good, and best moves.
These concepts are true for some GUIs, such as Lizzi.
Black wants to attack further by pressing at either a or b. White needs to help
before it is too late, by extending to either a or b, which is the key point for both players. This operation illustrates the proverb The enemy's key point is your own key point.
is too aggressive, as
is still weak, so is
, on the other hand, is too passive, still allowing Black to hane at a.