Accompanying Materials of The Art of 9x9 Go: Game 1
0320henachoco 1 kyu resigned
This game shows how to play strategic moves that change the game and lead me to victory. Eye moves 32-40. I am White. Black is 1 Kyu GQ.
Black plays Dosaku opening at , while White a humble 3-3. My strategy is to appear small at the first move, , and to see what Black will do next.
makes the two sides balance, which is good for White as the komi is 7. White can keep balance to beat Black.
is a good response to a touching attack (). becomes weaker, although White still has some weak points to cure. is also ready to hit if the situation calls for.
both attacks the left black group and fixes White's weak shape by forming a wall. White is even more ready to attack . This is attacking two weak groups at once.
attacks , while fixing White's weak point. is the weakest stone on the board because it is near the enemy big group. This is attacking the weakest stone. Now, White has no weak points left. This is solid playing.
Attack before you defend, as illustrated by . might expect White to play a, but that is not urgent for White. In 9x9 go, he, who more forcefully attacks, wins. does not only attack , but also forms a tiger mouth, which can become an eye with ease. It is a very strong attack-and-defend move.
Attack before you defend, again, as does, which attacks the two black stones, blocks them from linking with the upper army (), and influences .
is a powerful sente attack, which, if ignored, can kill the bottom black group, and divides the board into two sectors--good for White. White also influences even more.
Keep attacking a big weak group with a sente move, as . This is also using the proverb "Attack before you defend." While playing locally, you should think globally, by counting the potential territories of both sides, and make sure you are leading globally.
White needs a dan-level strategy to change the game. Good strategy pushes or attracts the enemy to move in your way and end up with your victory. Here, White should let one stone die, and then play strategically to kill this black group. The dead point of Black is a. 19x19 go players may deem this strategy as a simple local tactic, and think there is no strategy in 9x9 go at all, which I don't share the same view. For discussion, see
Take no risk if you are leading. makes sure that the dead black group cannot cause any trouble in the future. This action makes Black resign.