An account on the Kiseido Go Server. It may be found in the KGS Teaching Ladder, the Mathematics room, and related habitats.
Also: Slartibartfast
Hello, I'm Michael Stevenson. I took up Go sometime in 2000-2001, and am currently a 2d from Northeast Ohio. Contact
Check out Sygo, a crafty Go variant, at Go instincts definitely help, but you will be surprised.
SL interests
Variants - because game mechanics rock, or rather some do...
GoVariantsThatMakeYouBetterPlayerInNormalGo - a neater list
CGTPath - Combinatorial Game Theory is a bit cool, all in all, but worth checking out anyway!
ComputerGo - Computer Go requires a large investment to be done right, and is also worth becoming literate in.
BeginnersEndgameExercise1 - one great example for Sensei's Library; many more to find
Philosophy - Of course.