Shoulder invasion of mixed three space extension

    Keywords: MiddleGame, Joseki

One of the three-space extension invasions is a shoulder hit on the lower stone of a mixed-height extension.

Table of contents Table of diagrams
Not an invasion
Alternatives as reduction
Black connects
Similar to a [shoulder hit] on an unsupported stone
Quite possible
Quite possible II
Jiang Weijie (B) vs Won Seong Jin - Chunlan Cup - 2012-12-04
Jiang Weijie (B) vs Won Seong Jin - Chunlan Cup - 2012-12-04
Takemiya Masaki (B) vs. Takao Shinji - 24th Tengen - 1998-07-09
Cho Hun-hyeon (B) vs. Yi Ch'ang-ho - 38th Kuksu - 1994-09-24

Not an invasion  

The shoulder move W1 is one of the more common moves against a mixed three space extension, Black a, b or tenuki is to be expected.

In practice it is played as ladder breaker, actual or preemptive, as reduction, as focal play in the context of larger frameworks, as a forcing exchange to strengthen a weak group on the outside, or in a fashion similar to a leaning attack.

Alternatives as reduction  

If intended as a reduction White moves at c or d, which are commonly answered at e and f, respectively, are more often seen than the shoulder hit.

Some possible sequences

Black connects  
Similar to a shoulder hit on an unsupported stone  

Slarty: on an open board, Black can probably be pleased to answer W1 at B2. It's then not possible to separate the black stones without acquiring a heavy shape. Not sure if there is a SL page for normal shoulder hit side josekis.

tapir: Well. This is practically never played on open boards, hence midgame. If separating is the main intention I wouldn't start with W1, which offers Black options to connect. In this variation if Black does not connect, White has an option to separate, that does not need belittling. White at a later does not look like bad shape to me. (Transposition of a midgame joseki when Black invades White, afaik.) Finally, SL coverage of midgame joseki is pretty bad. Reduction techniques was a good start for reductions, but the individual pages are lacking content.

Slarty: It's true if W3 somehow gets Black to play elsewhere, W has an option to cut. Probably the point to the left of a. If a, B can respond at the point to the right of a.

Quite possible  
Quite possible II  

When Black can't afford being cut off from a weak group in the center B4 might be necessary, which allows White to break in after e.g. W5 at a.

Ladder breaker

Jiang Weijie (B) vs Won Seong Jin - Chunlan Cup - 2012-12-04  
Jiang Weijie (B) vs Won Seong Jin - Chunlan Cup - 2012-12-04  

Framework building

Takemiya Masaki (B) vs. Takao Shinji - 24th Tengen - 1998-07-09  

This framework building was followed by an invasion at a.


Cho Hun-hyeon (B) vs. Yi Ch'ang-ho - 38th Kuksu - 1994-09-24  

While it is a reduction at this point, when Black returns later to a White does not answer and it turns into an invasion only after Black b followed by White c. The invasion is sacrificed in the course of fighting for the White center group.

Shoulder invasion of mixed three space extension last edited by PJTraill on November 7, 2018 - 18:13
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