Rules of Go

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Rules

Chinese: 规则 (gui1 ze2)
Japanese: 囲碁規約 (igokiyaku)
Korean: -

This page is a reference for technical discussion of different rulesets. If you simply want to start playing, please read Rules of go - introductory. You will find more information at Rules of Go - second tutorial. If you are looking for practical information about the end of the game, see Counting and Scoring, or just use the simpler stone counting method (which however does give a slightly different result to modern methods, in some cases).

Go is unusual in not having an internationally agreed standard set of rules. In most practical situations, the best move is the same regardless of the ruleset, even though the text of the rules reads very differently, and the final score differs by at most one point. But there are rare situations where the differences between rulesets can be both significant and fascinating.

Like many other games, playing instructions for go are rather different from a complete and consistent set of rules. Like golf or bridge, the basic thrust of the game is simple, and many recreational players will learn the game without ever reading the full official rules, but there are so many situations to cover that a collection of playing instructions that does cover every one of them must seem complex or abstruse. Go is rich in unexpected situations that cannot be anticipated, and completely analysing them from first principles on one's own is near impossible.

There are ways of expressing the rules that are very simple however. It can be a case of "15 minutes to learn the rules; a lifetime to learn how to play well".

Table of contents


These pages contain information about rule sets, and external references to official sources and expert commentary.

Official Rulesets

Non-official Rulesets Sorted by Title

Non-official Rulesets Sorted by "Inventor Name"

Verbal Rulesets

Tournament Rules

External comparison

Here are various sites comparing the different rule sets:

[ext] provides translated rulesets and comments on them.

Note: these tables differ on the question of whether free placement of handicap stones is allowed in AGA rules and in Chinese rules. For discussion, see /handicap placement.

Game Play

Game End

There are also several methods to define the score (result).

Counting Methods

When played on a physical board, determining the score involves manually counting. There are different counting methods in use. Some rule sets prescribe which counting method must be used, others do not.

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Rules of Go last edited by Malcolm on February 5, 2025 - 16:14
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