Chinese Rules

    Keywords: Rules

Chinese rules have these features:

  • Used in: China
  • Setup:
    • Handicap: The official Chinese rules make no mention of handicaps. Some interpretations of Chinese rules, such as the implementation on KGS, allow free placement of handicap stones.
    • Historical variant: Starting Stones were still being used in the early 20th century
  • Play:
  • Scoring and counting:
  • Dispute resolution:
    • Life and death settled by: Game resumption for online play. Adjudicated by tournament moderator for over the board play.


Chinese rules for Go are defined by the Chinese Weiqi Association, mainland China:


SAS: Can someone please explain the bit about voiding games with complex ko? Section 6 of the Chinese rules clearly states that repetition of position is not allowed. Therefore the part of Section 20 which states that the referee may declare a draw or a replay if neither side will yield in a triple ko (or quadruple ko, etc.) is irrelevant - the no-repetition rule ensures that one side or the other must yield.

SAS: Having looked at this a bit more, it seems that there is a difference between the rules as they are written and as they are actually applied. I’ve modified the above to take account of this.

RobertJasiek: The positional superko is pretence and the referee’s ko rules are applied in practice. The latter can be explained by a moderately complex modification of the [ext] Japanese 2003 Rules.

bbbbbbbbba: I believe the positional superko rule is mainly used to resolve moonshine life.


[1] There is no rule precluding eyes in seki from counting as territory. Such a rule is a feature of other rulesets, such as the Japanese and Korean rules.

Chinese Rules last edited by jann on April 12, 2022 - 04:43
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