Thomas Redecker
I am a German 1 Kyû, who is especially fond of Tsumego.
Since 2004 I am responsible for the "Problemecke" (= Tsumego corner) in the Deutsche Go Zeitung, which had been edited before by Andreas Fecke. There is a web-version with very detailed solutions, accessible for readers of the DGoZ only.
Since 2005 I am busy with the Most Difficult Problem Ever, which is problem #120 from the Igo Hatsuyoron. Together with Joachim Meinhardt?, who had found the professionals' Blind Spot in what had been assumed to be the "solution" before, I have written some articles about "The really most difficult Go problem ever" for the Deutsche Go Zeitung. From time to time there have been very intense discussions with Joachim about the problem.
Since 2007 I am editing the TRMDPE-website, which contains most of the results of our investigations.
This includes an idea of mine for a Guzumi, that probably may win the problem for Black again.
In 2009 Harry Fearnley joined our team, now we are an amateur-trio.
Since 2006 I am the sponsor of a special price for the Harburger Mausefalle, one of the big Go-tournaments in Hamburg. The best female participant can choose between a 66 mm Hiba Go-board, 8,8 mm Slate&Shell Go-stones, or Sakura (=cherry-wood) Go-bowls. In addition she receives an original Japanese fan, what is the special price for the female runner-up as well.
Together with Ralf Schönfeld I have organised the Hebsacker Internet Go Cup HIGC 2007 - 2010. The HIGC was a two-stage Double-Knock-out internet-Go-tournament, sponsored by the Hebsacker-Verlag.
Occasionally, but not very often, there are discussions with Robert Jasiek about very special aspects of the rules of Go.