Nick George/ JGL

Sub-page of NickGeorge

[ext] JGL Client (dead link, unarchived)

This is the second launching of JGL, and it's a much improved one.

need port 6112 to be open!

JohnGoLose? can now handle scoring! It would be great if I could get enough people to start coming that anyone can log on and get a game, thus beginning a hopeful avalanche.

see keys below.

I think I'm getting near something that could be good. All aspects of my Go server, JohnGoLose?, are up to my satisfaction. It is a 9x9 only server (for now!), entirely java, that runs on the following theory:

  • Igowin is good because it's fast and easy, no log in, no worries about winning or losing, just good practice.
  • KGS/IGS/your local club is good because you get to play a real person who is much better than Igowin, and you can have a series of matches with, and learn from and adapt to your particular opponent.

JohnGoLose? combines the two. Download the jar, double click, and if someone else is already waiting, you'll start playing immediatly. That means, I need people to start using it for it to be good.

Click to move, backspace undoes. Tab talks. Enter passes. After two passes, you enter scoring phase. Click on a group to toggle it's life/death, and hit enter when you're done. Cntrl-alt-enter at anytime restarts the game.

Thanks, Nick

[email] e-mail me if you try it

Phelan: Tried it, sent you mail. Seems interesting.

Nick George/ JGL last edited by bugcat on August 28, 2021 - 02:13
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