Attack and Defense - the book

Attack and Defense
Part 5 of the series: Elementary Go Series
By: Ishida Akira, James Davies
Publisher: Ishi Press, Kiseido?, January 1980 (Kiseido)
ISBN10 4-906574-14-9
ISBN13 978-4-906574-14-8
249 pp.

The fifth volume in the Elementary Go Series, Attack and Defense is written by Ishida Akira and James Davies. It was originally published by Ishi Press, and has since been republished by Kiseido. As of 2020 the book is also available in German as Angriff und Verteidigung published by Brett und Stein Verlag.


David Carlton's [ext] review.

crux's review.

Table of contents:

  1. Territory and Power
    1. The Balance of Territory
    2. The Balance of Power
    3. 1. Attack.
    4. 2. Invade.
    5. 3. Cut and fight.
  2. Attacking Strategy
    1. Attacking to Gain Territory
    2. Attacking to Gain Power
    3. Running Battles
    4. Indirect or ‘Leaning’ Attacks
    5. Divide and Conquer
    6. Cuts
    7. Problems
  3. Attacking Moves
    1. Make Non-Contact Moves
    2. Seek Severity
    3. The Eye-Stealing Tesuji
    4. The Angle Tesuji
    5. The Knight’s Attack
    6. The Capping Attack
    7. Peeping Attacks
    8. Problems
  4. Defense
    1. Defend with Contact Plays
    2. Case Studies from Professional Games
  5. Forcing Moves
    1. Resistance
    2. Thank-You Moves
    3. More Examples from Actual Play
  6. Inducing Moves
    1. Force Before Defending
    2. Tactical Situations
    3. Resistance
    4. Inducing an Attack
  7. Reducing and Invading Large Frameworks
    1. Junction Points
    2. Relations with Attack and Defense
    3. The Shoulder Move
    4. The Capping Play
    5. Invasions
    6. Flexibility in Reducing and Invading
    7. Flexibility in Responding
  8. Invasions into Three-Space Extensions
    1. The 3-Space Extension on the Third Line
      1. Ia. The Diagonal Play
      2. Ib. An Indirect Attack
      3. Ic. The Lower Attachment
    2. II. The 3-Space Extension from the Third Line to the Fourth Line
      1. IIa. Attachment – Wedge
      2. IIb. Attachment – Extension
      3. IIc. Attachment – Thrust
      4. IId. Diagonal Move
      5. IIe. Descent
      6. IIf. Attaching Instead of Invading
    3. III. The 3-Space Extension from a 2-Stone Wall
    4. IV. The 3-Space Extension on the Fourth Line
      1. IVa. The High Invasion
      2. IVb. The Low Invasion
    5. V. The 3-space Extension from the Third Line to the Second Line
      1. Va. The Shoulder Play
      2. Vb. The Invasion
      3. Vc. The Attachment
  9. Ko Fights
    1. Very Indirect Kos
    2. All-Dominating Kos
  10. Problems

Sample Problems

to be added


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