"GOAMA", International Go Newsletter
Director of the project: Igor Grishin
Editor-in-chief: Alexandre Dinerchtein
Experts: Mace Lee, TheCaptain, Mikhail Emelyanov, Ivo Schuurink
Coming soon:
- Seven black methods of winning Go online, by Alex Dinerchtein
Previous issues:
- Interview with Liu Xing, 7-dan
- Interview with Seo Pong-su, 9-dan
- Review: new book by Nam Ch'i-hyeong, 1-dan
- News from Korean Prime Minister Cup
- Interview with Xie He, 6-dan (China)
- Quiz "The world of Japanese Go" with prizes
- Quiz "The world of Korean Baduk -2" with prizes
- Article "Lee Sanghoon, 5-dan and his Baduk club"
- Article "Yu Ch'ang-hyeok, 9-dan and his Go school"
- New joseki, invented by Seo Pong-su, 9-dan
- Interview with Paek Hong-seok, 4-dan
- Interview with Seo Pong-su, 9-dan
- Dinerchtein vs Lee Changho, commented game with Lee Changho's impressions
- New joseki(?) from Korea, detaily explained by A.Dinerchtein. Black 13 from this game:
- Big report from Toyota&Denso cup in Japan
- Impressions and commented games from EGC-2006
- Interview with Chang Su-yeong, 9-dan
- Interview with Yi Ch'ang-ho, 9-dan
- Interview with Pak Cheong-sang, 9-dan
- New quiz "The world of Chinese Go" compiled by Mace Li
- Large interview with Ch'oe Ch'eol-han, 9-dan
- Interview with the coach of Chinese pro team Yang Yi
- Commented games from the Russian Konishi cup
- Favourite football teams of Chinese professionals
- Interview with Mace Li, 6-dan
- Weon Seong-chin, 7-dan and his thoughts about the opening stage of Go (fuseki)
14 May 2006 (6th issue):
- Quiz "The world of Korean Baduk" with PRIZES!
- The most exciting game of the week (links)
- New trick move (at the attachment, pdf format)
7 May 2006 (5th issue):
- An interview with Pak Yeong-hun, 9-dan, 2004 (last part)
- The most exciting game of the week (links)
- New trick move (at the attachment, pdf format)
- Commented game between Luo Xihe, 9-dan and Gu Li, 7-dan (at the attachment, sgf format)
30 April 2006 (4th issue):
- Interview with Pak Yeong-hun, 9-dan. Part 1.
- "Five hundred and one Tesuji problems". Book review by Ivo Schuurink
- Chinese and Korean league tournaments. An article by Mace Lee, 6-dan
- The most exciting game of the week (link)
- New trick move (at the attachment, pdf format)
23 April 2006 (3rd issue):
- The story of Kim In, 9-dan (last part)
- The 1971 Honinbo Tournament - book review by Ivo Schuurink
- New trick move (rare one), this time for kyu players
- Interview with Gu Li, 7-dan, the winner of 10th LG cup
16 April 2006 (2nd issue)
- Detail commentary of Alexandre Dinerchtein vs Cho Chikun
game by Ko Keun-t'ae, 5-dan and Cho Han-seung, 8-dan
- Train Like a Pro: Book review by Ivo Schuurink
- The story of Kim In, 9-dan (second part)
- Another trick-move from Korea (PDF format this time)
- The most exciting game of the week (sgf format, short commentary)
- Unusual ladder game, found by Mace Lee, (link)
06 April 2006 (Inagural Issue)
- Lee Sedol's interview and wedding photos
- The story of Kim In, 9-dan, who was the Korean student of Kitani Minoru (part 1)
- One of Korean trick-moves in great details (Word format)
- Commented game of Im Seon-keun, 9-dan (SGF format)
Archive with old issues: http://gogame.info/samples.html