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Sensei's Library

Sensei's Library is a collaboration web site about and around the game of Go (Weiqi/Weich'i, Baduk/Paduk). It is a repository, a discussion medium, it is the pot of Go(ld) at the end of the rainbow :-) Basically, it is whatever you make of it.

     Anyone (and we mean anyone) can edit pages.
     There is no registration, no username, no password.

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A warm welcome to beginners! We hope you'll find fun, friends and some good lessons in the Library. If you're eager to start learning immediately, please follow the red carpet to the dedicated beginner study section on the top floor. And feel free to ask the discreet old librarians for advice!

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Right now Sensei's Library contains 26086 pages.
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Front Page (version 100) last edited by on October 30, 2001 - 10:45
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