Article of the Week

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Every week, an article is featured on the front page of Sensei's Library. These articles are chosen through a nomination process, in which anyone can participate. You can nominate existing articles, or request new articles.

The new article of the week is normally put on the main page on Monday.

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Featured Article

Seal in a Sleeping Bag

A ten-stone dumpling made by Matias Pankoke in the 2023 Leipzig European Championship, "cosily surrounded" on three sides by Rémi Campagnie. It was made of two overlapping B2 bombers, with an extra stone. It was formed by Rémi attaching on top of the side stone of a low Chinese, and severely squeezing the developing shape when Matias tried to resist.

Matias later captured some of the enclosing wall, but was still unable to break out. By Move 72, Rémi had achieved enormous influence onto the centre. Although Matias invaded immediately, he was unable to live inside the moyo.

Black's double hane on Move 41 might have been a mistake, since from that point on the seal appears to have been dragged by Rémi, in ursine style, forcibly from his ice hole.


Upcoming Articles

You can see what articles we are planning to feature on the front page at Upcoming articles. Feel free to improve these articles!

Nominated Articles

You can see which articles have been nominated for being featured, and nominate articles yourself, at the Nomination page.

See also AutomaticArticleOfTheWeekSystem

Article of the Week last edited by Dieter on May 30, 2022 - 14:21
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