Hactar Go
Keywords: Software
Hactar Go is an application for Android.
"Hactar Go works fully on Android 7.1 and later phones and tablets."
Hactar Go features:
- Play go in 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19 boards.
- About 5 dan at 9x9 and 3dan in 19x19 (pachi -based engine)
- Pro -level engine at 19x19 as additional subscription service (or fixed-time purchase). Engine is based on katago.
- Play capture go, and capture 3 stones (and capture 5 unlocked later when all capture 3 levels are won).
- Continue game after interruption.
- Review played games.
Ai Analysis
- Ai Analysis part of SGF editor
- Analysis with 40-block katago running in cloud ( https://gowrite.net/blog/hactar-go-analysis/).
- Shows winning % and point difference over whole game.
- For next move shows points lost and iterations analyzed.
- Selecting a next move position shows best continuation.
- Maximum analysis iterations depend on subscriptions.
- Over 400 problems, including correct answer and multiple wrong variations.
- Random color and rotation for problems.
- Easily add own tsumego collections, supports all common formats (VW, TR, BM, RIGHT&WRONG). Just few touches to download over 400 gogameguru.com problems!
- Optionally disable color randomization and rotation.
- Widget to show current problem in homescreen.
Search games
- List most recent professional games.
- Search games based on position or player.
- Search games stored in device.
- Search games from internet. Search covers over 90000 pro games and over 110000 amateur games.
SGF Viewer / editor
- View and edit SGF files. Opens files directly from browser.
- Multiple game list formats. Preview files when opening.
- View UGI and GIB formats and convert them to SGF.
- Supports all normal SGF features.
- Score estimator to estimate / count score.