tetsuki editor

    Keywords: Software

Panda-Tetsuki is a go application for phones and tablets. With Panda-Tetsuki you can connect to IGS, watch games and play online against other players. You can also use Panda-Tetsuki to record real games and send and receive SGF files. Panda-Tetsuki is free.

More information on [ext] Tetsuki

iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Panda-Tetsuki is available for free on the Apple App Store.


Panda-Tetsuki is available for Android phones [ext] here.

Pandanet IGS

Since 2011 Tetsuki is released as "Panda-Tetsuki" by Pandanet as the official IGS client for mobile devices.


  • Connect to Pandanet IGS with account or as guest
  • Watch online games
  • Play online games
  • Unique tap-to-zoom and auto-zoom-out for quick and safe stone placement.
  • Chat with your opponent or with the other observers
  • Invite a player or find an opponent (seek).
  • Record games with variations
  • Import and Export SGF files
  • Handicap, Komi, all board sizes and time settings
  • English, Dutch, Japanese and Turkish interface.
  • Different character encodings.

New in Version 4

  • Native support for the iPad, with a new interface adapted to the large touch screen.
  • Import SGF files from mails or websites like the Go Teaching Ladder or MyPanda?
  • Export SGF files to other apps like SmartGo Kifu
  • Make variations in recorded games

User Comments

damien While I don't play IGS very often, the thing that caught my attention the most was the sound of gameplay. After playing many games on programs like Cgoban 3 and glGo, which use an unattractive "PAK" for every move, Tetsuki was a delight. When you zoom in on the board, you hear the rustle of stones as you "grab" one from the bowl, and a pleasant "Tic" sound upon playing the stone. As if that wasn't enough, if you zoom in and change your mind, zooming back out will cause a small sound as you drop your stone back in the bowl to think.

Visually, the shine and shadows on the stones are exquisite as well.

If only IGS were more beginner friendly like KGS, I might use this app more often.

I also wish that you could upload your personal SGF to the program. While it stores games you've played on the iPhone in your archives, if you want to review an old pro game or a similar SGF, you're out of luck. McXorge This is now possible with version 4.

tetsuki editor last edited by SiouxDenim on August 14, 2013 - 00:58
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