Nihon Ki-in Professionals


The data below is a summary of all of the individual player pages maintained by the Nihon Ki-in [ext] player webpages include 302 active players as of 26 August 2010, 72 players retired that retired after 2000, and 48 players that have died since March 1999. As a result, not all retired and deceased players are included.

As of 26 August 2010, the Nihon Ki-in lists:

  • 422 professional players of which 353 are male and 69 are female (ratio 5:1)
  • 108 9-dan players of which 108 are male and 0 are female (1:0)
  • 59 8-dan players of which 57 are male and 2 are female (28:1)
  • 62 7-dan players of which 60 are male and 2 are female (30:1)
  • 51 6-dan players of which 45 are male and 6 are female (7:1)
  • 39 5-dan players of which 27 are male and 12 are female (2:1)
  • 26 4-dan players of which 16 are male and 10 are female (1:1)
  • 23 3-dan players of which 11 are male and 12 are female (1:1)
  • 24 2-dan players of which 12 are male and 12 are female (1:1)
  • 30 1-dan players of which 17 are male and 13 are female (4:3)

Note: Rank at the Nihon Ki-in is obtained either by winning a set number of professional games at each level or by challenging for a title. Most players improve their rank through winning individual games. The absolute minimum required to achieve 9 dan is 750 wins and 0 losses. As a result, a considerable amount of time is required to reach the top ranks through winning individual games.

See also

valerio: the pages show only active players of the Nihon Ki-in (or retired from 2001 -72 players- and dead from 1999, march -48 players).

Nihon Ki-in Professionals last edited by tapir on November 10, 2012 - 17:32
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