4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi

PageType: Path   Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Joseki
>4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi, diagonal into corner >4-4 point low approach tsukenobi, invasion >4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi, jump attachment >4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi, push into corner >4-4 point low approach tsukenobi, hamete

The tsuke-nobi (or attach-and-extend) joseki is formed by the moves to B4 in this diagram.

Its name comes from Black's plays in this diagram: B2 is a tsuke (attachment), and B4 a nobi (stretch).[1]


The tsuke-nobi has been intensively studied in Chapter 3 of the book Sizi Pu by Guo Bailing, in which 178 variations are shown. It is available in English under the title "Four-Stone Games."

The tsuke-nobi itself is mostly popular among weaker players, but for stronger players it is still a good idea if Black wants to build thickness towards the left side, and does not mind giving White a position on the upper side. In other words, Black regards the left side as more important than the top. Often, but certainly not always, there will be a black stone around the marked point. After B4, White at a, b, c and d are all joseki.

In pro games it is now rare unless justified by the context: either Black getting a very efficient formation relative to the left side, or White getting an overconcentrated formation at the top.

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Tenuki next for White isn't a good idea at all. If, for whatever reason, White allows Black to play the next move here, Black should not hesitate to play a. The resulting shape is very good.

[1] See also other possible joseki choices after B2.

4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi last edited by on January 21, 2014 - 05:14
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